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Cornesse, Carina
Couper, Mick P., Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan (United States)
Couper, Mick P., University of Michigan, USA
Couper, Mick P. (United States)
Daschmann, Gregor
Davidov, Eldad, University of Cologne and University of Zurich
Davidov, Eldad
de Leeuw, Edith (Netherlands)
Deindl, Christian
Deutschmann, Marc (Germany)
Dieckmann, Hanna, Trier University, German (Germany)
Diehl, Claudia
Dräger, Sebastian, Trier University, German (Germany)
Drasch, Katrin, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
Drasch, Katrin
Dülmer, Hermann, University of Cologne and University of Passau (Germany)
Dürnberger, Andrea
Eifler, Stefanie, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) (Germany)
Eifler, Stefanie, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany)
El-Menouar, Yasemin
Elliott, Michael R.
Emmenegger, Jana, Federal Statistical Office, Germany (Germany)
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